**Please play in fullscreen!**

SPLT is a 2D dimension hopping bullet hell survival game. Destroy and endless swarm of drones by dodging between shots and shifting dimensions. 

Dimensions: You can only affect and be affected by enemies in the same dimension as you currently (Matching Colors!) You can swap between at the expense of alerting enemies.
HP - You only can be hit 5 times before its a game over!
Ammo - 6 Shots before you have to reload! go for dash K.Os to avoid running out at a bad time!
Alert (You are your own enemy) - As you stay in one dimension enemies will gradually become more aware of your presence increasing spawn rates, but swapping between will immediately add a level of alert to the dimension you just left before it gradually decays over time. Try to balance it so you always have an escape route in case of emergencies!

Movement Controls:
A & D - move left/right
SPACE - jump
R - reload
Q - red/blue shift
MOUSE - aiming

Grounded Controls:
LEFT CLICK - melee attack damaging enemies in front of you, can be done while reloading.
RIGHT CLICK - Aim your gun, left click to fire.

Aerial Controls:
LSHIFT - Dash in aimed direction, after a short delay damage enemies in your path and become immune to damage for the duration. Automatically reloads gun in this attack finishes an enemy.

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